IR’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) FAQs

Does IR have a CSR Policy?

Yes. IR has a CSR Policy that provides the foundation for our program.

Does IR have a Code of Ethics?

Yes. IR has its own Code of Ethics that addresses IR’s business conduct and affirms IR’s commitment to integrity.

Does IR recognize the EICC Code of Conduct?

IR is a member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and supports the vision and goals of the EICC as well as its EICC Code of Conduct.

What does IR require of its suppliers regarding CSR?

IR has adopted a CSR policy to communicate our supplier expectations and has also notified our suppliers that we encourage them to implement the EICC Code.

Has IR audited its operations for CSR conformance?

As part of its EICC membership, IR uses the EICC assessment tools, participates in audits and conducts self audits to evaluate its conformance to CSR standards.

Does IR’s CSR Policy and practices extent to operations outside of the United States?

IR’s CSR Policy applies world-wide.

Who manages IR’s CSR program?

IR maintains a CSR Review Board composed of senior management across the organization which drives implementation and assesses all CSR opportunities.

Does IR publish a CSR report?

No, but IR publishes progress against certain metrics.

What is IR’s CSR Management System?

IR’s CSR Management System strives to identify and implement IR’s commitment to social responsibility including elements recommended in the EICC Code of Conduct.

Who do I contact if I have more IR CSR questions?

Please contact: Investor Relations